Editing advise?
Ok, so I went with my dear and patient friend Lianne to go practice more photography. I'm lucky she is patient, because we had more than our fair share of problems. First of all, we get to the fountain I had been dying to take pictures at, and theres a cone in the middle of it. Hilarious, but we just had to shoot angles that didnt include that fun little object! Second, the technical difficulty I've been having with my Nikon, is that the camera seems to want to tell ME when it is or isnt going to shoot. I get one shot, then it refuses to take another. I'll mess with the settings and then it'll decide to let me take 2 or 3 more (if I'm lucky), then it'll stop shooting again. I'm very puzzled as to why it's doing this, and it makes it hard to get the settings right, when I'm only allowed one shot. I discovered that when I take the battery out, when I turn it back on, it lets me take 4 more photos. After an hour shoot though, I realized that eve...