3 Fears of Mine
I generally think of myself as a pretty fearless person. Given the opportunity, I can charge into any situation with a "fake it till you make it" attitude. I could move across the country (and I have) and have to make all new friends without batting an eye. Start a new job? I'll wow them. Experiment in the kitchen? How bad could it be? Have children? I was born to be a mother. Have my mother move down the street from me.... well....yikes. haha. But then I look at myself from an outside point of view, and I have some pretty intense (and probably pretty irrational) fears. So here are 3 legitimate fears that I have, in no particular order. 1) I fear the death of a beloved pet. When I was a child, when one of my pets died, s/he got a kings burial. I wore black for a week, and cried for days on end. My pets weren't just animals, they were some of my best friends. As I got older, I don't know if ...