
Showing posts from July, 2011

Pillow talk :/

*Mr. Rob cuddling away from me with his pillow* Me :  Rob, Why do you always cuddle the pillow and not me before bed??? Rob :  I don't know... cause the pillow is comfortable and I can put it between my legs... Me :  You can put me between your legs....Rrrrraarrrrrrr! *suggestively raising eyebrows* Rob :  Nope...not as comfy. Something tells me that we are not now, nor have we been for some time now, newlyweds.  The honeymoon is officially over.  LOL

On a lighter note...

My husband is constantly using the sugar spoon to eat his cereal with.  I. Am. Going. Insane.  When I need to dispense sugar, then what am I stuck with?!? A regular spoon?!? Sugar Spoon: ... Regular Spoon: ... And again, just to make sure we have it...  Sugar Spoon: ... Regular Spoon: ...

Naming First Trimester Miscarriages?

So I was blog surfing, and I came across a blog where in her history, the author had told about her two miscarriages in the first trimester... she had named them.  Now, I completely understand naming your child once you know if its a girl or boy, and once you've developed that connection where they are not only aware of you, but you are aware of them (other than the "morning" sickness).  But naming a child that was miscarried before even the second trimester?  I think that sets yourself up for more heartache than necessary if youre naming the embryo.  Now in my case, I wouldn't do that because I now know that as of right now, I am at high risk for miscarriage.  Knowing that, if I were to know that I was pregnant *yay*, I would NOT do anything to get my hopes and dreams any higher than they would already be until I had some form of confirmation that the pregnancy was more stable and not in the danger zone.  Needless to say, I would not be naming my embryo....

Ectopic Rupture

     So, today I had a follow up with my Cardiologist.  "What in the world do you have a cardiologist for" is most peoples response to that.  On the 4th of July I ended up having emergency surgery for a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.  I thought it was food poisoning, which is why we waited so long to go to the emergency room, which is why I came very close to not living through this seemingly trivial medical condition.  Anyway, at the cardiologist, they took my vitals, and everything looks good.  But I saw the nurse practitioner today who was not there for the surgery and had no clue what happened, so he asked me to explain what happened leading up to the surgery and my need for a cardiologist.       I explained: I thought I had food poisoning.  We realized it was probably something more serious when I was fainting every time I tried to stand up.  About at this point all my memories are fuzzy at best....