
Showing posts from April, 2014

Not much new... haha, ya right

well, since I've been true to form and neglected my blog, which is more journal than anything since anything that goes on here really isn't news to anyone... I think I kinda come on here for the theraputic act of typing and putting my thoughts into words.  If I didnt get hand cramps from writing so much, that may actually work for my dusty journal too.  so, whats new?   Well, this is not news to anyone, but I'm due with baby number 2 in August!  August 16th, to be exact, which is my baby sisters birthday, so its definitely not a bad day to come into this world.  However, I kinda feel like he/she is going to join us around the 9th.  I guess we'll see how close I am and how accurate a mothers intuition is (in the small scheme). Oh man, doesn't that face just kill you?  Ugh, I swear I could just eat him up most days. Its getting to the point that I have to try not to laugh when he does something naughty.  Its cute, but I know I cant enco...